HBI Global Partners is Reaching Unreached People Groups in India

The term, “unreached people group,” is used to describe people in specific tribes and cultures that have yet to hear of the Gospel of Christ. While there are unreached people groups all over the world, many of them live within Asia and the Middle East. Many of these people don’t even know who Jesus is or what He did for them. Jesus clearly states in the Bible that before He is to come again, all nations will need to understand the Good News.

HBI Global Partners is a Christian ministry dedicated to sharing the Gospel with the unreached people groups in India. India has one of the largest percentages of unreached people groups within its borders. India is a very diverse place with many bustling cities; however, there are rural villages located far from any city center. These villages are usually home to these unreached people groups.

Areas of Focus

HBI Global Partners was founded by Dr. Paul Gupta, a man from India who had a vision for reaching India through Christ. Today, the ministry continues to work towards this vision using different strategies to not only share the Word of God but also to show God’s love to the people of India. Here is a list of the strategies that HBI Global Partners utilizes:

  • Crisis Relief
  • Church Planting
  • Helping Children-At-Risk
  • Leadership Development
  • Global Experiential Learning
  • Health and Wellness Clinics


HBI Global Partners disciples and empowers nationals to spread the Word of God throughout India. By using this method, HBI has been able to plant over 11,000 churches all across India. These national pastors and leaders receive training, then they go back to their village and start spreading the Gospel. This has been an effective method for reaching the lost for Christ. If you’d like to know more about HBI Global Partners, contact them today.

Business Information

HBI Global Partners

P.O. Box 3037 Broken Arrow, OK 74013

(877) 424-4634

